KEEDESET Sanded Grout

Sanded Grout is a blend of Portland cement, specially graded silica sand, and colorfast pigments that form a dense matrix free of any voids. Special chemicals have been added to provide for a superior grout that offers ease of workability and clean-up, rapid curing, high compressive strength, low shrinkage, good bond strength and color control. This non-toxic, non-dusting, iron-free grout, is highly resistant to bacteria, fungus, oils and alkalis.

Sanded Grout can be used in both residential and heavy commercial installation, where joint widths are in excess of 1/8”. This specially designed high performance grout is to be used with quarry, slate, pavers, brick and cement tiles for interior and/or exterior use. To pro­duce a dense smooth grout, water is required to be used. However, Grout admixtures can be used as an alternative to intensify the bond and flexural strength for installations subjected to thermal shock.
