Flooring Won’t Stick To Gypsum?

Why Won’t It Stick? Many installers experience a huge problem when applying flooring on new or old gypsum substrates: their glue or patch just won’t stick to the slab. More often than not, this is attributed to gypsum lacking the integrity to accept many floor coverings. Thankfully, there is a simple method for making gyspum…

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Moisture Levels: Do Not Trust, Verify

“For the installation of vinyl-backed sheet products, manufacturers recommend the moisture levels to be at 80% as required by the ASTM F2170-02 “Standard Test Method for Determining Relative Humidity in Concrete Floor Slabs using the in situ Probes.” The ability to achieve these numbers is becoming more difficult to obtain. There are several factors that…

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“Relative Humidity Testing for Concrete: ASTM F2170 Becoming the Preferred Method”

“Why do testing?  The simplest reason why is to follow the industry standard: ASTM F710, Standard Practice for Preparing Concrete Floors to Receive Resilient Flooring. The language in the standard is very simple, and uses legal terms like “all,” “shall” and “regardless” that don’t allow for any wiggle room. “All concrete slabs shall be tested for…

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